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End of Year News from Truth Be Told

Thank you for coming along with us on our journey. Here is a recap of what 2012 held for Truth Be Told, and what we’re looking forward to in 2013:

tbt_logo.jpgAt this time of year, it is wonderful to celebrate the accomplishments of the year. In 2012, TBT has seen transformation, growth and change. We introduced new board members, facilitators and a new logo. We moved into a new office on S. 1st Street and promoted Carol Waid to Director of Programs.

At the Hilltop Unit in Gatesville and the GEO Unit in Lockhart, we held 4 graduations with 54 women completing the 8 – 16 week programs. We helped women tell the truth about their lives and watched them transform into beautiful butterflies. We strengthened our programs at the TCCC Del Valle Unit, where we hold two classes per week, year round. We held 14 Exploring Creativity programs in the units, introducing expressive arts as ways to relieve stress, channel emotions, and awaken creativity. We ended the semester with our GIHF program, where Story Tellers, Recovering People and Performers shared their personal life experiences of how God/Higher Power shows up in their lives to 130 women in Lockhart prison. This is amazing work!


TBT Graduates and Director of Programs: Cara, Teri, Carol, Donna, & Dara

TBT had two fundraising dinners this year. The first event was at Parkside Restaurant. We dined and listened to jazz from the Jeff Lofton Quartet. Two facilitators shared how Truth Be Told has been important and beneficial to their lives. On December 3, we met for a fajita dinner at the Frank Fickett Scout Center. Two graduates and a facilitator moved us with their stories. Your generosity at these events helped TBT raise more than $50,000 in 5-year pledges and donations.

We were also blessed when Kim Basinger generously named TBT as benefactor for pledges made to her Kim’s Journey bike ride across the United States on behalf of women in prison.

So…to all our helpers, thank you! Our hearts reach out to each of you who have helped us serve women behind and beyond bars. We could not do any of this without your continued support.

And the year in review for our blog—stats and most popular posts:

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Looking forward to 2013:

What is next? There is so much more that we want to do. We will strive to expand and grow the existing 10 programs. We want to train volunteers in other areas of Texas and to expand our program into other units.

Thank you again for all your support! We can’t wait to see what happens in 2013. Please join us for the journey!

We would like to share a few letters and stories:

The first is from the new Chaplain at the Lockhart Unit:

Thank you for the great Ministry you bring to our Inmates. I was glad to be part of the graduation last Friday and witness firsthand the powerful moments the inmates shared in NAMING their inner struggle in skits and poems and drama. “Naming” and “Owning up” then “Walk the Walk” is one of the greatest processes of healing. I would love to see more of that opportunity given to our inmates as they transition into better citizens and reintegrate in the society again.


Chaplain Fausto Kaverenge

From TBT Volunteer and Behind Bars Coordinator, Katie Ford:

“I heard somewhere that “Hurt people hurt people, and healed people heal people.” I couldn’t agree more. Truth Be Told offers programming to women behind bars that evokes healing, self-understanding and self-acceptance, so that this invisible and broken population can love and forgive themselves first and then learn to love, forgive and have compassion for others. Every class we offer in prison promotes the 4 Cs: Community building, Creativity, Caring for self and Communication skills. Through a variety of methods that include creative writing, public speaking and movement, we offer opportunities for self-discovery, self-expression, truth-telling and trust-building.” Read Katie’s full blog post.

From Katherine, who has been out of prison for 7 years:

“The women who came to teach those classes were the first people in my life who didn’t want anything from me. They wanted to give me a way out – a way to truly be free. I walked those hallways as a human being and I knew it. Prison couldn’t take that from me.Read Katherine’s full blog post.

From Jim Walsh, volunteer and donor:

Jim 1Truth Be Told’s mission is to teach women in prison “transformational tools.” One of these tools is the tool of communication. I have seen this in action. I have seen women gather up the courage to tell the truth of how they ended up in prison. Read Jim’s full blog post.

Please help us further our mission which is:

To enable the transformation of women in prisons, a forgotten population.

When you consider your end-of-year giving, please take TBT’s needs into account.

If you have an unfulfilled pledge to us, or if you’ve been meaning to make a contribution, please make your tax-deductible donation before year-end. Donations can be made directly from our website, via the PayPal link at:

We wish you a holiday season full of joy and blessings!

Grateful for your continued support,

TBT Board of Directors, Founders, and Staff

About Shelley Seale

Shelley is a wanderer and student of the world, yoga chick, voracious reader and dog lover. She pounds the keyboard as a freelance writer, author and publication designer, based in Austin, Texas when she isn't traipsing around the globe. Shelley has written for National Geographic, USA Today, The Guardian, The Week, Fodor's, The Telegraph and Texas Monthly, among others. Shelley has performed a catch on the flying trapeze, boarded down a live volcano, and was once robbed by a monkey in India. But she doesn’t know how to whistle.

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